Business Infrastructure is Now a Hashtag on LinkedIn!


Finally! After 18 months of consistently posting about #businessinfrastructure here on LinkedIn, their algorithm finally recognizes it as a hashtag to search and follow.

I’m one of the few people in the world who consistently writes about and consults on this topic – it’s akin to being a one-woman army.  But the hard work has paid off in a major way!  If you don’t think this is a big deal, you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you that it is.

Business Infrastructure links the people, processes, and tools necessary to grow and scale in a profitable, sustainable manner.


It answers four main questions:

1) What work needs to be done?

2) Who will do the work?

3) How is that work organized?

4) What processes define how to do the work?

Want to learn more about it?  Start by watching this video series on the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Business Infrastructure.

You can also receive weekly #businessinfrastructure tips by subscribing and listening to the Business Infrastructure podcast.  There’s a new episode every week chocked full of practical tips and the specific resources to get it done.


Lastly, you can learn the framework I created for building business infrastructure in emerging small businesses in my book, Behind the Facade: How to Structure Company Operations for Sustainable Success.  Not only is it the first published book in the world to tackle this subject for small businesses, but it also made the Amazon bestseller list twice!


Consider following, using, and searching this hashtag whenever you want to know more about this obscure, but very necessary field!

Let’s continue putting #businessinfrastructure on the map and rescue more fast-growing small businesses from the risk of implosion.

Thank you for your continuous support!

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