Company Profiles & Case Studies, Business Process Design & Improvement, Organizational & Job DesignArticle by Alicia Butler Pierre3 Small Business Lessons from Self-Driving Cars Last year, my friend Sylvie traveled from Paris, France to visit me in Atlanta, GA. While she was here, we test drove a…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Records Management, Organizational & Job Design, Business Infrastructure, Workspace Logistics, Company Profiles & Case StudiesArticle by Alicia Butler PierreFacade – a Business Book Exposing the Chaos of Fast Growth and How to Fix It I haven’t blogged in a couple of months and for good reason. I’ve been working on a business book that, as my mentor…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Records ManagementArticle by Alicia Butler PierrePrepare for the Ides of March with 4 Tools to File That Business Tax Return on Time For years I wondered why March 15 was chosen as the deadline to file business taxes, provided it falls on a weekday. Here’s…
Business Process Design & ImprovementArticle by Alicia Butler PierreHow to Save Your Business from Death by Chargebacks One of the scariest things in business is to realize you have more money going out than coming in. One major way money…
Business Process Design & ImprovementArticle by Alicia Butler PierreDiscover Hidden Jewels Through Business Processes One of the biggest challenges we entrepreneurs face is knowledge transfer. Our expertise is buried not only in our heads, but also in…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Workspace LogisticsArticle by Alicia Butler PierreHow to Fall in Love with Your Taxes I am the first to admit – I used to dread the first quarter of the year. You know, tax season. “Why,” I…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Case StudiesArticle by Alicia Butler PierreThe Cost of Bad Decisions – Business Lessons from Samsung(R) Bad news travels fast. Real fast. Earlier this month I was on a flight when the stewardess announced that everyone, “except those passengers…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Records ManagementArticle by Alicia Butler Pierre11 Disaster Recovery Tips for Small Businesses August 29, 2016, marks the 11th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. It is known as one of the costliest, deadliest hurricanes in recorded history. …
Business Process Design & Improvement, Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreFrom the Mouths of Babes – 3 Ways Youthful Innovation Can Improve Your Business Children are known to say the “darndest” things, yet out of the mouths of babes can come wisdom beyond measure. I learned this…
Business Process Design & ImprovementArticle by Alicia Butler PierreAn Entrepreneur’s Guide for Continuous Process Improvement, Part 2/8 Take a closer look at this picture. Poor guy. He worked so hard to impress his date by taking her to his favorite…