High Stakes Conversations During Fast Growth – Dez Thornton

According to professional speechwriter and speech coach Dez Thornton, “A high stakes conversation is anytime you have to communicate and your reputation is on the line.” The successful outcome of your communication depends on your delivery. In the most quotable episode to-date, Dez shares the most important thing you need to know about having high stakes conversations and the people, processes and tools you should leverage to close the interpretation gap (what you say vs. what your audience hears).

#BusinessInfrastructure #SmoothOperator #SmallBusiness #BackOfficeBlues #podcast

FREE DOWNLOAD of Dez’s Diamond Delivery Model for Writing Speeches & Presentations available in the SHOW NOTES: https://businessinfrastructure.tv/2019/07/21/055-the-one-thing-you-need-to-know-about-high-stakes-conversations-dez-thornton/

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– Podcast: https://businessinfrastructure.tv/pod…
– Book: https://amzn.to/2EGo0VE
– Consulting: https://eqbsystems.com/

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