260: Small Business Advisors | Season 20 Recap with Alicia Butler Pierre


We’re celebrating the completion of another successful season of the Business Infrastructure podcast!

Season 20 focused on Small Business Advisors and this guest lineup found us in four different countries and included three military veterans. What’s also interesting is that in nearly every episode we learned that a certain guest had a complete change in career.

We were blessed to have 12 amazing guests who brought their unique skillsets, diverse experiences, and deep industry insights to provide us with the information and resources to help us scale our operations.

And the best part? Each of them exclusively works with entrepreneurs and small business owners! So, the tips, strategies, and tactics that they share are tailored with you in mind!

In this season finale, our producer and host, Alicia Butler Pierre, gives a brief recap of all episodes and shares what you can expect in the next season! As usual, you can count on us to provide access to the resources to manage fast growth and build a business infrastructure that supports scale, sustainability, and profitability.

This episode is sponsored by:

Monologue: Alicia Butler Pierre, Producer & Host

Location:  Atlanta, GA  USA

Air Date: July 26, 2023



  • Season 20 Episodes: listen to and enjoy each of the 13 episodes of Season 20: Small Business Advisors.

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  • Producer & Host: Alicia Butler Pierre
  • Audio Editor: Olanrewaju Adeyemo
  • Sound Design: Sabor! Music Enterprises
  • Guest Relationship Manager: Monique Inge
  • Video Editor: Gladys Jimenez
  • Show Notes & Transcription: Erika Ve Ortega Revilla
  • Sponsor: Equilibria, Inc.


More About Host, Alicia Butler Pierre:
Alicia Butler Pierre is the Founder & CEO of Equilibria, Inc. Her career in operations began 25 years ago while working as an engineer in various chemical plants and oil refineries. She invented the Kasennu™ framework for business infrastructure and authored, Behind the Façade: How to Structure Company Operations for Sustainable Success.  It is the world’s first published book on business infrastructure for small businesses. Alicia hosts the weekly Business Infrastructure podcast with a global audience across 68 countries.


More About Sponsor, Equilibria, Inc.:
Equilibria, Inc. is an operations management firm specializing in business infrastructure for fast-growing organizations. Our mission is to provide access to tips, resources, and proven frameworks that revolutionize the way small businesses operate. We do that through original podcast episodes, blog posts, videos, presentations, workshops, and coaching sessions.



Hello and welcome to the Season 20 finale!

I’m Alicia Butler Pierre and I’m the producer and host of the Business Infrastructure podcast.

If you’re new to the show, then what you’ll soon discover is that we’re all about, well, business infrastructure. Specifically, we share practical tips, tactics, and tools to cure the chaos of fast growth in small businesses.

Our goal with this show is simple – to support you in curing the back-office blues of things like unmanageable fast growth, high team turnover, and costs that eat into your profit margins.

In Season 20 of the Business Infrastructure podcast, we focused exclusively on providing tips from other small business advisors.

There were 12 guests each specialized in working with other small businesses. And they represent a range of organizations – everything from other small businesses to government entities.

This guest lineup found us in four different countries and also included three military veterans. What’s also interesting is that in nearly every episode we learned that a certain guest had a complete change in career.

And thankfully for us, they each brought their unique skillset, diverse experiences, and deep industry insights to provide us with the information and resources to help us scale our operations.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane to recap each of their specialties.


Season 20 kicked off with Ep. 248 featuring Shawn Palmer. He shared five pricing strategies that you can experiment with to figure out your revenue box so that you can increase sales, revenue, and profitability.

We followed up that episode with Ep. 249. That’s where we met Prosper Taruvinga – perhaps one of the liveliest guests we’ve ever had on the show! He graciously taught us his proven formula for scaling revenue from $200k to $2M in two years!

Next up was my girl, Nicole McCullum in Ep. 250. She didn’t just give an interview; it was more like a miniature masterclass on SEO. Not only that, but she also generously gave a list of all the resources, many of which are free that we can use to increase traffic to our websites.

Then Todd Anduze shared tips for effective team building in Ep. 251. What I love about this episode is how Todd has brought lessons he’s learned in an incredibly diverse career into the team-building work he does now as a small business advisor.

In Ep. 252, we heard from my first family member to ever be interviewed on the show – Dr. Shanta Harrison. She gave us an interesting perspective on the connection between census data and our ability to not only receive funding for our businesses but also as a tool for securing government contracts too!

And a big part of attracting clients like the government involves crafting the right business story. That’s what we learned how to do in Ep. 253 with Michael de Groot And the great thing is that his teachings apply to any business.

Another way to attract clients to your business is via podcast guesting. And Alex Sanfilippo is the king of this! In Ep. 254, he not only provided tips for becoming a guest on other podcasts, but he also gave a demo of his online tool called PodMatch. It was a great way to mark the halfway point of the season.

Continuing our Season 20 recap, we took a slight detour in Ep. 255 and talked about something every business needs to thrive – diversity and inclusion. And we’re blessed to have Gayatri Chadwa provide a meaningful perspective on what this means, why it matters, and the financial impact it can have on your business.

Speaking of financial impact, I don’t know about you, but I would have never guessed that the virtual world of the Metaverse could be a very real place to make money. That’s what CPA and Fractional CFO, Byron Wolfe taught us in Ep. 256. He also shared financial insights on cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Now if you thought that was futuristic, then your head may have really started spinning in Ep. 257 when Jeremy Bormann came on and talked about the explainable AI tool he developed to streamline legal research. Turns out those of us not in the legal field can also use his tool to act as a digital research assistant.

If you need actual people and not just digital assistants to scale your operations, then you’re in for a real treat in Ep. 258. In this episode, Ebony Green gives down-to-earth and easy-to-understand advice for scaling your business to six figures. What I love about this interview is her candidness in the scariness of handing over your daily operations to the care of others.


And finally, rounding out Season 20 is Ed Moore in Ep. 259. Interviewing Ed was a real treat for me because he is someone who has been a huge advocate, follower, and dare I say, fan, for many years on LinkedIn. I was so glad to finally interview him and listen attentively as he shared his telecom expertise.

That’s our guest lineup for Season 20!   

This season, this show would not be possible without amazing guests like those you just heard about.

Getting guests to come onto the show and share their knowledge is no small feat either. That’s why I’m especially grateful to each of our guests for taking the time to share their knowledge with us.

Remember, because they are small business advisors people literally pay them for the advice that they provided here for free.

So, make sure you show your gratitude and appreciation by doing things like leaving nice comments on their specific episodes and connecting with them on social media.

If you missed any of these episodes from Season 20, then make sure you click the link in this episode’s description. It will take you to BusinessInfrastructure.TV. While you’re there you can listen to each episode and access the resources mentioned in the show notes.

Again, that’s Businessinfrastructure.TV.

If you’ve made it to the end of this episode, then I want to thank you for taking the time to listen and for your continued support. It means a lot.

But don’t keep this show to yourself – tell your family, friends, and colleagues about it too! Please subscribe and leave a review. After all it’s the only way we’ll know if you think we’re doing a great job.

The Business Infrastructure podcast is underwritten by Equilibria, Inc. And I’d be remised if I did not thank the amazing team of Smooth Operators here at Equilibria that diligently work behind the scenes to make these episodes available to you! They are: Erika Ve Revilla, Olanrewaju Adeyemo, Clarence Levy III with Sabor! Music Enterprises, Monique Inge, Gladys Jimenez, and our friends over at Outsource Global, based in Abuja, Nigeria.

Coming up in our next Season we’re digging through our podcast episode vault to bring back some oldies but goodies. We’ve curated a list of episodes that were recorded in the early days of this podcast.

They were recorded in our old show format, and we thought, “You know what? These episodes deserve to go through the rigor and promotion of our new show format.”

So…make sure you subscribe to this show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you enjoy podcasts, so you don’t miss these remastered episodes! I promise you the information contained in them could be the key to unleashing not just efficiency but revenue and profitability in your business too!

Until then, keep operating…smoothly!

This is the Business Infrastructure – Curing Back-Office Blues podcast

Thank you so much for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, then subscribe to the show and leave a five-star rating and review wherever you’re listening.



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